KU Student Farm: Growing Sustainability

Visit us at our new website!
February 3, 2013, 6:06 pm
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Hi! We’re so glad you’re interested in the farm. Please visit us at our new site kufarming.wordpress.com.

Kickoff event this Friday at 5:30 p.m. at the garden
March 7, 2012, 3:59 pm
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Our first visit to the garden is this Friday at 5:30 p.m. See below for directions.

During this time, we will give you a tour of the space, explain work days and when they begin, show you the resources at the garden (tools, water, compost system), and answer any questions you may have. The most important part of this event is that we will be divvying out the plots. You will be able to see your plot(s) and get your hands dirty (if you want to!). You might want to bring a notebook to take notes. We will also bring the notebooks we had for sale at the greenhouse last weekend.
When you arrive, we will give you a plot number. That is the number of your plot for the season–remember it. I don’t think we’ll be out there more than an hour or an hour and a half.

Directions to the garden
Bike route

Remember: Community garden meetings are every Sunday at 1 p.m. at the greenhouse. The greenhouse work days are 2-3:30 p.m. at the greenhouse. If you had any trouble finding the greenhouse, give me a call. Garden work days will start in late March, and they will be on Thursdays and Sundays. We’ll give you more information about those as they approach.

Also, thank you so much for coming to our first greenhouse work day! It was a huge success. This is definitely the best year ever for the student farm.

Thank you all so much! See you on Friday night at the garden.

KU Student Farm resources–plots available now!
February 15, 2012, 6:34 pm
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Hi, everyone!

Our new logo, designed by Shannon McGill

We are so excited for this season! Plots are filling up fast, so please turn in your application soon. Below are some of your resources for this year.

Kim Scherman, facilitator, kim.scherman@gmail.com

Katrina McClure, treasurer, anirtak79@yahoo.com

Tresa Carter, secretary, tcarter16@me.com

Sarah Kraus, community plot manager, sekraus22@gmail.com

Don’t forget! We need a fifth officer: maintenance coordinator. This is a very important job for the farm. Please let us know if you are interested or want more information.

Please see our Facebook calendar and page for more information on upcoming dates and speakers. This year, we will have two speakers per month! We will also have greenhouse work days, a kick off event, two potlucks and volunteer opportunities!

Important dates coming up: 

First greenhouse work day: March 4, 2-3:30 p.m., West Campus

Kick off event: March 9, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Kansas Biological Survey

We will let you know when the first community garden work day is (Did we mention we have added a new community plot?!). Let us know if you have any questions! Email kufarming@gmail.com.


The KU Student Farm officers

July 12, 2011, 2:41 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Bob speaks to the student farm participants. Photo courtesy of Kirsten Bosnak.

We had our first speaker at the regularly scheduled work day last Tuesday night. Bob Gent came to speak to the student farm participants about his experience with gardening. He was really informative, and gave us his perspective as a beginner gardener. Bob had a lot to say about starting up a garden. He said you should start out with tomatoes, potatoes, sweet potatoes, onion and whatever you want. Bob told us it is important to experiment and experience the garden, and to not get stuck in gardening magazines and books, although they may be helpful. He said the best way to learn is through talking to other gardeners who may have more experience than you and to get in there and garden!

Bob Gent Photo taken by Kim Scherman

Bob encouraged us to use horse manure as fertilizer to put more nutrients back into the ground. You should make sure the horse manure is not fresh because it can burn the plants and contribute to weed growth. He also supported the idea of using urine as a fertilizer. You may be skeptical, but take a look at this Washington Post article about using urine as fertilizer. Bob said to place a plastic or glass liter bottle around young starts of vegetables that like humidity (such as peppers) when it is still spring weather.  He also said to wrap tin foil around the base of eggplants to deter pest infestation. This will keep them humid and warm.

Bob told us about a great resource that shows when to plant vegetables during the spring, summer and fall seasons. It is called the Vegetable Garden Planting Guide written by experts at Kansas State University.

We learned the best insecticide to use is simply your hands. Failing is okay–everything is a learning experience that will make you a better gardener. Ask lots of questions and tour other people’s gardens.

Our next speaker will be Susan Buchanan, an organic gardener in Lawrence.She will speak Tuesday, July 19, at 6:30 p.m at the student farm. Please arrive early so we can start on time.

Also — Our first-ever KU Student Farm potluck will be this Friday night at 7. Please bring a dish to share if you want and your own plates and utensils. We will provide cups and a beverage for everyone. Please RSVP to the Facebook event page so we know how many people to expect. We will stay to watch the full moon rise. Let Kim know if you have any questions or concerns. Everyone is welcome, so bring your friends!